Thursday, May 13, 2010

Jan Groover Kitchen Arrangements

Styled Kitchenscapes

Jan Groover's kitchen still lives look quite formal, and more like abstract works of art than warm inviting scenes associated with domestic life.

The following are photos I took in my kitchen, one of my favorite places in the house, that reminded me of Groover's kitchen arrangements. Although I'm sure the shot with the lemons and eggshells on flower petals is not "serious" enough.

Jan Groover was also known for her knowledge of color techniques. So, I've included different levels of color saturation. I also tried to capture the reflected color of the bright red-pink rose petals -- in a stainless steel sink, but the color reflections were fairly muted.

In the Style of Lorna Simpson

Cat Feet
Photographer Lorna Simpson cropped her photos of black women so they appear headless.  We see torsos, and in other shots -- their backs. Removing parts of a person does something to dehumanize them, which was likely the point in Simmons's work. Here I've tried the same thing with my cat. Not quite the same political message; but an interesting exercise, nonetheless.

I decided to pair this with a picture of paw prints. It seemed like a good match. Although in Simpson's pictures, her subjects seem like they're been deprived even of the ability to make an impression, a  figurative footprint, or an impact in life.

Inspired by Laurie Simmons, David Levinthal

Mr. Potato Head, Night Escapade

Photographers Laurie Simmons and David Levinthal often use doll and toy figures in their images.  This is an emulation of their work. I've used a small, harsh (LED) light to give the impression of a deer (or in this case potato) caught in the headlights, at night. Perhaps Mr. Potato Head is looking for his relatives in the Lay's bag in the kitchen.