These are three in a series of experimental images of cows and sheep, based on photos I took in Petaluma, with thistles and grasses in the foreground. The process I used is below.
0.) Defined Concept: I wanted to do something different with landscapes and more rural subject matter. The idea was that we no longer see or recognize the animals in these images -- just like most of us really don't see where our food comes from anymore. Our foods are very nicely packaged and advertised, so we see the images of food, but not the source(s). At the same time, we don't really know what our food is ingesting either.
1.) Picked Styles: Take images with animals and plants, from the human-modified country landscape (farms in Sonoma). The concept I had in mind was Farm Security Administration (FSA) meets Adam Fuss + Andy Warhol -- or something like that.
2.) Cropped a small piece of the image and brought it into iPhoto to edit.
4.) Results: some bizarre and interesting images, based on imaginings about livestock and plant foods.
Note: I chose one source photo to edit for each image; I did not combine any images together.
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